Page 73 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 73

HARUN YAHYA                      71

                 There is no deity but the One God. If they do not stop saying what they
                 say, a painful punishment wiill afflict those among them who do not be-
                 lieve. Why do they not turn to God and ask for His forgivveness? God is
                 Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Ma'ida; 72-74)

                 Thus, as God is the sole Lord of all things, no other power can delay
            or turn a thing back that He wills to happen. The Qur'an reveals the fol-
            lowing about those who say that there is another deity apart from God or
            that God has a son:

                 We sent no Messenger befor re you without revealing to him: "There is no
                 god but Me, so worship Me." They say: "The All-Merciful l has a son."
                 Glory be to Him! No, they are honored servants! They do not precede
                 Him in speech and t they act on His command. He knows what is in front
                 of them and what is behind them. They only interce ede on behalf of those
                 with whom He is pleased, and even they are apprehensive out of fear
                 [and respe ect] of Him. Were any of them to say: "I am a deity apart
                 from Him," We would repay him with Hell. Th hat is how We repay
                 wrongdoers." (Surat al-Anbiya': 25-29)

                          Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is only a prophet

                 The Qur'an mentions many subjects, such as the birth of Prophet
            Jesus (pbuh), some events in his life, his family, and the people around
            him. He is depicted as the Messiah, son of Mary and prophet of God. For
            example, he told the Children of Israel that he was sent for the following

                 I come confirming the Torah I find already there, and to make lawful for
                 you some of what was prev viously forbidden to you. I have brought you a
                 Sign from your Lord. So have fear [and  respect] of Good, and obey me.
                 God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight
                 path. (Surah Al 'Im mran: 50-51)
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