Page 75 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 75

HARUN YAHYA                      73

            put his trust in God and continued to inform his people of God's revela-
            tion despite the hostile environment in which he was living. Although he
            had very few helpers, he endeavored to restore his people's religion to its
            essence and cleanse it of all meaningless rituals and superstitious prac-
            tices. Thanks to his superior understanding and wisdom vouchsafed to
            him by our Lord, he made highly affective addresses to the Children of
            Israel and told them very wise parables.

                 Prophet Jesus (pbuh) confirmed the Torah and issued his com-
            mands according to the Gospel, sent by God as a guide and advice:
                 And We sent Jesus son of Mary following in their footsteps, confirming
                 the Torah that came befor re him. We gave him the Gospel containing
                 guidance and light, confirming the Torah that came before i it, and as
                 guidance and admonition for those who guard against evil. The people of
                 the Gospel should   judge by what God sent down in it. Those who do not
                 judge by what God has sent down are deviators. ( (Surat al-Ma'ida: 46-

                 At first, only a few people responded to his call, for it demanded the
            end of privilege for the priestly class, who made a living out of nonsense
            and tradition, and for the ruling class, who denied God's sovereignty.
            With the spread of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) message and his growing num-

            ber of followers, the cunning snares and plans laid by his opponents also
            increased. All of the prophets have encountered such plots, for as the
            Qur'an relates, the people to whom they are sent have the following atti-
                 Why then, whenever a Messenger came to you with something your
                 lower selv ves did not desire, did you grow arrogant, deny some of them,
                 and murder others? (Surat al-Baqara: 877)

                 Gradually, a division began to emerge in society between the fol-
            lowers and the opponents of Prophet Jesus (pbuh). On the one hand was
            God's messenger, who described the true religion and called on people to
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