Page 74 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 74

72      Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God

                   A few disciples heeded his call and are referred to in the following
                   We are God's helpers. We believe in God. Bear witness that we are
                   Muslims. Our Lord, we believe inn what You have sent down and have
                   followed the Messenger, so write us down among the witnesses. (Surrah
                   Al 'Imran: 52-53)

                   Throughout his life, Prophet Jesus (pbuh), sent to lead a community
              that had gone astray to the true path, called on his people to have sincere
              faith and submit themselves to God. It also appears, from various verses

              of the Qur'an that he acted as a guide to those who had fallen into reli-
              gious disagreements. Certain New Testament passages indicate that he
              primarily called on hypocritical, insincere religious figures and those
              who deceived the public behind a mask of devotion to cease what they
              were doing and believe in God. The Qur'an reveals this in the following
                   And when Jesus came with the Clear Signs, he said: "I have come to you
                   with Wisdom and to clarify for you some of the things about which you
                   have differed. Therefore, have fear  [and respect] of God and obey me."
                   (Surat az-Zukhruf: 63)

                   Like all of the prophets, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) targeted moral degen-
              eration and atheism. He told people to abandon their injustice, immoral-

              ity, and superstitions; to live by God's ordained moral values and for His
              good pleasure alone; to fear [and respect], love, and submit to God; and
              to turn away from superstitious laws and hollow traditions, to worship
              only God, and to turn to Him at all times. The miracles that he performed
              revealed that God had chosen him as His messenger, and that He sup-
              ported him with knowledge and power. His depth of faith, high moral
              values, superior understanding, and wise explanations inspired great
              admiration among his people.
                   Prophet Jesus (pbuh) displayed great patience with his opponents,
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