Page 21 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 21


               cepted by everyone. It will open the door to
               reason, but it will not do away with the possi-
               bility of choice. That is because if a sign of the
               Day of Judgment is seen in such a completely ev-
               ident form that everyone is obliged to accept it,
               then a person with a coal-like predisposition will re-
               main alongside a person with a diamond-like predis-
               position. As a result, the secret of Allah's charging hu-
               manity to act in compliance with His commands and pro-
               hibitions and the consequences of the test are lost. 9
               Thus, one characteristic of the End Times' signs may
          be that not everyone who sees them can immediately un-
          derstand and interpret them. The fact that some of these
          signs have been described in an oblique manner may cause
          some people to have doubts. Yet these doubts are completely
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