Page 26 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 26


                                         ADNAN OKTAR

                    Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. We

                    are Muslims, submitted to Him" (Surah Al 'Imran :84).
                    Muslims know that all of Allah's prophets are chosen, hon-
                    orable, and respected individuals in His Sight. Allah cre-
                    ated all of His messengers with superior moral values and
                    perfect behavior so that they could serve as role models for
                    humanity. The prophets are His beloved servants. Allah re-
                    veals in many verses that those who obey the prophets are
                    actually obeying Himself, and that those who comply with
                    Allah's prophets will be rewarded in this world and in the
                    Hereafter. This devotion and obedience is shaped within
                    that awareness.
                         Beginning with the Companions of our Prophet (may
                    Allah bless him and grant him peace), it is a great source of

                    honor for all believers who were the prophets' contempo-
                    raries to be with these blessed people. Being with the
                    prophets, who set an example for all people with their deep
                    faith in Allah, superior moral values, sharp intellects, and
                    determination and courage is one of the most valuable
                    blessings in this world. Those who sincerely obeyed the
                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh); who had faith in the Prophet
                    Joseph (pbuh); who fought against Pharaoh alongside the
                    Prophet Moses (pbuh); and who followed such great indi-
                    viduals as the Prophets Noah, Solomon, Salih, Jacob, and

                    David (peace be upon them all) have all received, by Allah's
                    will, their rewards in the Hereafter. Those believers who
                    have never seen one of the prophets can still pray to be
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