Page 31 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 31
prophets, and true believers as their friends, all Muslims feel a
deep respect for the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). The source of this deep
love and devotion is a result of their love and fear of, and respect
for Allah, as well as their obedience to the Prophet Muhammad
(may Allah bless him and grant him peace).
Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace) Gave the Glad Tidings That Muslims Will
Be the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Helpers
The Qur'an, the hadith, and the works of great Islamic schol-
ars reveal that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was raised to Allah's Pres-
ence and will return to Earth. His second coming is widely de-
scribed in al-Hafiz ibn al-Dayba' al-Shaybani's Taysir al-Usul ila
Jami` al-Usul, and such esteemed hadith collections as Imam
Malik's Al-Muwatta', the Sahihs of Ibn Khuzayma and Ibn Hibban,
and the Musnads of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Abu Dawud al-Tayal-
isi. Some of these hadith are as follows: