Page 34 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 34


                                         ADNAN OKTAR

                    about the return of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)." However, we
                    now need to briefly mention what the Hanafi legal school

                    says about this event, as its founder, Imam Abu Hanifa,
                    heads the list of those who discuss it. In the final chapter of
                    his book Al-Fiqh al-Akbar, Abu Hanifa states:
                         The emergence of the antichrist and of Gog and Magog is
                         a reality; the rising of the Sun in the west is a reality; the
                         descent of Jesus, upon whom be peace, from the heavens
                         is a reality; and all of the other signs of the Day of Resur-
                         rection, as contained in the authentic traditions, are estab-
                         lished realities. 15
                         In his hadith, our Prophet (may Allah bless him and
                    grant him peace) informed us of such matters as the
                    Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) descent, his struggle, and what the
                    world will be like at that time. Each of these reports is good
                    news for all Muslims. For example, Prophet Muhammad
                    (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that when

                    the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns to Earth, Muslims will
                    enjoy the honor of being his valuable helpers:
                         I swear to Allah, Who sent me as a true prophet, that of
                         course Jesus (pbuh), son of Maryam, will find in my com-
                         munity people to replace his disciples [when he returns
                         close to the period of the End Times]. 16
                         Of course, being his helpers is both a very good piece

                    of news and a major responsibility for true believers. All be-
                    lievers will sincerely wish to achieve such an honorable po-
                         At a time when the signs of the second coming are be-
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