Page 38 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 38
torted beliefs, for only he can do this. He will tell the Chris-
tian world, which is awaiting his coming, of Islam's moral
values and direct Christianity in the direction of the true,
Divine religion. Those who follow him will be true Chris-
The great Islamic scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the
renovator (mujaddid) of the thirteenth Islamic century, de-
scribes these true Christians with considerable wisdom.
When we look at his words closely, we see that true Chris-
tians are those who abide by the moral values of the Qur'an
and the Sunnah and who obey the Prophet Jesus (pbuh).
True Christians will be those Christians who reject the dis-
tortions and superstitious beliefs that have entered their re-
ligion and turn toward Islamic moral values. Muslims and
Christians, who will have been freed from their supersti-
tious beliefs, will then establish a great alliance (by means
of the Prophet Jesus [pbuh]) that will cause all systems and
practices that oppose
religious moral val-
ues to collapse.
Some of the
statements on
this subject
are as fol-