Page 35 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 35


                                       HARUN YAHYA

                  coming clear, we need to think about the importance of the

                  Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)
                  words. The fact that some people behave almost as if the
                  Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will not return, a grave mistake, must
                  not be allowed to deceive others or lead them to make con-
                  cessions on the subject. On the contrary, Muslims who real-
                  ize that this event is a manifest truth revealed in the Qur'an
                  and the hadith must experience the excitement of this extra-
                  ordinary situation and make great efforts to welcome this
                  blessed guest with the appropriate amount of love and en-
                  thusiasm. There is no time to waste on groundless doubts
                  and apprehensions. Believers must prepare both them-
                  selves and those around them for this miraculous event and
                  use the opportunities afforded by living in such a time to

                  gain Allah's good approval.
                       When the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns in the End
                  Times, he may ask: "Who are my helpers?" Those who as-
                  pire to be among his helpers must use this valuable period
                  in which we are living to renounce and, from that point on,
                  abandon all behavior and immorality that might be a source
                  of shame when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns. The most
                  important attitude to be avoided, and which might consti-
                  tute the greatest source of shame, is a lack of enthusiasm in
                  this area. Given this reality, believers should constantly

                  raise the issue of what an extraordinary event the second
                  coming will be. Explaining the proofs that the Prophet Jesus
                  (pbuh) was raised alive to Allah's Presence and will return,
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