Page 39 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 39
"At the end of time, Jesus (pbuh) will come and act in ac-
cordance with the Sunnah of Muhammad (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace)," indicates that at that
time, Christianity will be purified and divest itself of su-
perstition in the face of the current of unbelief and athe-
ism born of naturalist philosophy, and that it will then be
transformed into Islam. At this point, the collective per-
sonality of Christianity will kill the fearsome collective
personality of irreligion with the sword of heavenly reve-
lation; so too, representing the collective personality of
Christianity, Jesus (pbuh) will kill the antichrist [make
him ineffective], who represents the collective personality
of irreligion. In other words, he will kill atheistic
thought. 17
"... in the face of the current of unbelief and atheism
born of naturalist philosophy": Bediuzzaman reveals that
Jesus (pbuh) will lead a great struggle against the irreligious
movements created by Darwinism and those who deny
Allah's existence.
"... Christianity will be purified and divest itself of
superstition … and that it will then be transformed into
Islam": Here, Bediuzzaman interprets the hadith that says
that when Jesus (pbuh) returns in the End Times, he will
abide by Islam's law and rules. His struggle will begin by
cleansing Christianity from all of the myths and false beliefs
that have entered into it over the centuries, and thereby re-
turn it to Islam.