Page 23 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 23
Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), the last
prophet sent by Allah to humanity. Our Lord revealed the
Qur'an to him and sent him as a messenger to lead human-
ity to salvation. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and
grant him peace) is a chosen and honorable believer in
Allah's Sight.
Even though we have never seen our Prophet (may
Allah bless him and grant him peace), we can come to know
his pleasing attitudes, words, and superior moral values
from the Qur'an and the hadith, and we can do all in our
power to take him as our friend in the Hereafter. Allah re-
veals in the Qur'an that he is the finest role model for all be-
You have an excellent model in the messenger of Allah, for
all who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day, and re-
member Allah much. (Surat al-Ahzab:21)
One of the Muslims' main char-
acteristics is that they make no
distinctions in their love of and
respect for all of Allah's prophets
and obey them all from the heart:
"… We believe in Allah and
what has been sent down to
us; what was sent down to
Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac,
and Jacob and the tribes; and
what Moses, Jesus, and all the
prophets were given by their