Page 22 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 22
unfounded, for when such signs are analyzed with a clear
and open mind, they can be understood. Moreover, com-
mentaries by great Islamic scholars are valuable guides for
People with true faith and the requisite fear of and re-
spect for Allah also have, as a blessing from our Lord, a
deep understanding and comprehension. Thanks to this,
they can accurately identify what is wrong and also under-
stand, to the extent that Allah wills, that wisdom is often ex-
pressed in oblique terms. Such people will never feel any
doubt about what our Lord reveals and what our Prophet
(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has reported.
They will evaluate the relevant hadith and Qur'anic verses
through the eyes of faith, and will seek to understand the in-
formation contained within them. Rejecting wisdom-con-
taining information just because one cannot understand it is
unsuitable behavior for Muslims. Therefore, Muslims need
to pray to our Lord in order to understand any wisdom that
is unclear to them, remember that the End Times will be a
most miraculous period, and prepare themselves for it in
the most appropriate manner.
Muslims' Love of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
As Allah reveals in the Qur'an: "The Prophet is closer
to the believers than their own selves…" (Surat al-
Ahzab:6), Muslims who have true faith also have a very
deep, sincere, and powerful love of and respect for our