Page 178 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 178

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                                           the genera displayed as the
                                           stages of this sequence included
                                            Eohippus, Orohippus, Miohippus,
                                           Hipparion and finally the modern-
                                          day horse, Equus.
                                            In the next century, this sequence was
                                    taken to be proof for the so-called evolution of
                                    the horse. The decrease in the number of toes
                                     and the animal's gradual increase in size were
                                     enough to convince evolutionists, who for

                                     some decades hoped to assemble similar fos-
                                    sil sequences for other creatures. But their
                                   hopes were never fulfilled: They were never
                                  able to assemble a sequence for other creatures,
                                     as they supposedly had for the horse.
                                            Moreover, some contradictions be-
                                        came evident, with the attempt to insert
                                         newly-excavated fossils into the horse se-
                                         ries. Characteristics of the new finds—

                                         where they were discovered, their age,
                                        the number of toes—were incompatible
                                       with the sequence and began to undo it.


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