Page 179 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 179

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                    They were inconsistent with the horse series and
                 turned it into a meaningless assortment of fossils.
                    Gordon Rattray Taylor, former chief science advisor to

              BBC Television described the situation:
                 Perhaps the most serious weakness of Darwinism is the failure of pale-
                 ontologists to find convincing phylogenies or sequences of organisms
                 demonstrating major evolutionary change. . . The horse is often cited as
                 the only fully worked-out example. But the fact is that the line from
                 Eohippus to Equus is very erratic. It is alleged to show a continual in-
                 crease in size, but the truth is that some of the variants were smaller
                 than Eohippus, not larger. Specimens from different sources can be
                 brought together in a convincing-looking sequence, but there is no evi-
                 dence that they were actually ranged in this order in time. 123
                 He openly admitted that the horse series was based on no proof.
            Heribert Nilsson, another researcher, made the same statement, writ-

            ing that the horse series was "very artificial":

             The horse se ri es charts lo oked most con vin cing at first glan ce, but we re ac tu ally the re sult of dis tor ti ons
             of the facts. Every new fos sil dis co very has re ve aled the in va li dity of these imaginary charts.


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