Page 181 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 181

Like the ot  hers, this horse se  ri  es in a mu  se  um con  sists of a hap  ha  zard se  qu  en  tial arrangement of li  ving
           things, that li  ved at dif  fe  rent ti  mes and in dif  fe  rent pla  ces, eva  lu  ated from a one-si  ded pers  pec  ti  ve. The sce  -
          na  rio of hor  se evo  lu  ti  on has no foun  dations in the fos  sil record.

            tions and gave the public the impression that the creatures had
            evolved from one another.
                 Marsh can be called the architect of the horse series, and there is
            no doubt that he played a role on creating this impression. Almost a
            century later, Marsh's "technique" was described by the evolutionist
            Robert Milner, who said that "Marsh arranged his fossils to 'lead up' to
            the one surviving species, blithely ignoring many inconsistencies and any

            contradictory evidence." 126
                 In short, Marsh created a scenario of his own and later assem-
            bled the fossils according to it as if arranging screwdrivers in his
             toolbox according to their size. But contrary to expectations, the
               new fossils upset Marsh's scenario. The ecologist Garret
                 Hardin says:
                    There was a time when the existing fossils of the horses
                       seemed to indicate a straight-line evolution from

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