Page 104 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 104


                 The Wedding Psychology
                 There are a number of turning points to which members of the
            Religion of the Ignorant attach great importance. Weddings are one
            of these. So important are weddings, especially to women, that they
            imagine that when that day comes, all their dreams will come true.
            The fact is though, that for many people, their wedding day is most
            problematic and distressing, because weddings often turn into
            nightmares due to the tension and lack of submission to destiny.
                 Not only are the bride and groom and their families calculating
            their own benefits, but the guests are all calculating their own inter-
            ests, too. Engagement and wedding parties are ideal occasions for
            families to find prospective spouses for their own children. They
            therefore dress their sons and daughters as lavishly as possible and
            take them along to these events.
                 Emotional speeches are made at weddings. Some people weep
            for no reason. Even they themselves do not know why they are cry-
            ing. Those closest to the family and the elderly weep the most, never
            forgetting to mention how they personally raised the bride or
                 The bride's dress and hair preparations begin early in the morn-
            ing. The hairdresser's bill will be excessive. Everyone is full of joy and
            generosity on that day. The bride's family tip the hairdresser and his
            staff with a generosity hitherto unseen, and seek to appear aristocratic
            and wealthy. On that day, everyone behaves like a professional-
            events organizer. They shower orders and money right and left. The
            mother distributes money to everyone for all sorts of things, neces-
            sary or otherwise, and the father makes a scene because of that.
            During this time, people frequently withdraw into corners to weep.
                 Then it is time for the photographs. People sit down before the
            photographer in front of a cloth background with pictures of clouds

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