Page 99 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 99

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        and tension. In the model described, people live in a manner that
        runs contrary to their true natures. In fact, a person will be pleased by
        the moral values revealed in the Qur'an and by those values being
        shown. Since the opposite behavior, words and deeds contradict this
        nature, they cause everyone unease and distress. For example, there
        are compassion, trust and tolerance in the love revealed in the
        Qur'an. In the love that prevails in Ignorantism, on the other hand,
        there is jealousy, ruthlessness and a general lack of respect.
             This conception of love needs to be avoided rather than chased
        after. The right thing to do is to act in the light of the human nature
        created by Allah, to show compassion and nourish love.

              ON KRAL KARADENIZ TV (JANUARY 30, 2009)
             ADNAN OKTAR: First of all, romanticism itself is ridiculous.
        It is both ridiculous and difficult, and it is a torment for a person to
        act like an artist; he acts and hides his real face and has totally artifi-
        cial gestures, style and speech. They live as if on a theatrical stage. It
        is also very difficult to talk to such a person. I see many people being
        very artificial. A rational person strongly avoids being artificial. It is
        very disturbing to watch and talk to an artificial person. Women
        also display such artificial attitudes towards men and vice versa. A
        grown-up man cries like a woman, acts in an unnatural manner and
        speaks emotionally. All this behavior makes a woman angry and an-
        noys her greatly. The woman, on the other hand, also displays artifi-
        cial behavior, pretending to love although she does not, she states
        that she has suddenly been smitten and has never experienced such
        feelings before when she meets someone wealthy, handsome who
        owns his own home and thus deceives that poor fellow and gets him

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