Page 94 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 94
they behave in a manner learned from films, and all contact with the
outside world is cut off. The girl has to put on a show of reluctance,
even if she actually feels nothing of the sort. After they have spent a
certain amount of time in each other's company, romantic behavior
begins. They lose themselves in romantic songs and in an artificial
Once they have started going out together, all their tastes are
readjusted. A process begins of dressing according to the taste of the
other party and listening to music of the other party's choice, of giv-
ing the impression of understanding things one really does not—in
short, falsehood. Seeking the other's approval, which is the funda-
mental motive of the Religion of the Ignorant, takes place at the very
highest level. As matters grow more serious, gifts begin to be pur-
chased, and their price tags increase over time. These presents are
shown to their respective families and friends. The recipients make
it clear that they are sufficiently well liked to be worth such valuable
presents. Both parties seek information about the other's families
and acquaintances. If one's family is rich, they will immediately
seek to show the other where they live. If the family is not rich, then
false appearances will be given and the other party kept at a dis-
tance. The dissemblers will behave as if they own things they do not,
and have gone places they've never been to. Since they know that
this will determine the value the other places on them, great expert-
ise will be demonstrated in this area. Having a wide circle of ac-
quaintances is a sign of wealth. They will speak of people they have
never met as if they actually know them. There are always certain
subject matters of conversation.
In male-female relations, no effort is made to seek the approval
of Allah or to observe the bounds set by Him, just as in all other
areas. In this ignorant and wicked rationale, it is not acceptable to be