Page 91 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 91

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        subjects, such as electronics, computers or collecting. They take
        every available opportunity to bring these subjects up to demon-
        strate their knowledge.
             Any high school consists of a number of types, a few of which
        we have listed here. When the value judgments of Ignorantism form
        in students' minds, the main ones are factors such as being enter-
        taining, wealthy or showy. Young people learn to judge others not
        in terms of moral values like honesty, sincerity, altruism—or, most
        important of all, faith—but in terms of what benefits might accrue to
        themselves. As they grow older, their high-school interests such as
        being entertaining or showing off give way to more powerful ones.
             In people who become accustomed to blind belief in rules
        whose reasons they are unaware of, the mechanisms of reason and
        conscience are relegated to the background and abandoned to atro-
        phy, at just the most productive period for their development.

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