Page 93 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 93
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
can be experienced only in an environment when emotions hold
sway and reason and moral judgments cease to apply.
In deciding whether to go steady, the major factor is how much
display this partnership can achieve. Even if the other party isn't
much liked, still it's important to have someone around to show and
so not to have to go places all alone. It is hugely embarrassing for a
student to have no one to go out with. Neither party uses their own
true personality or behaves honestly in order to bind the other to
them. They assume a second personality instead.
There is a certain way of meeting and beginning to talk and to
date, for every two people who want to date each other.
The girl starts going to particular places in order to meet the
person she likes. She first identifies someone at a party, in school or
on holiday. She starts to walk around and laugh in such a way as to
attract his attention, and seeks to join the group and meet the other
party's friends. It's essential in doing this not to allow the boy to
sense her interest, though her attention is actually entirely focused
on him.
After they have met, the first features to come up for scrutiny
are physical appearance and wealth. Make of car, where the other
person lives, where they spend the summer, the school they attend,
the accessories they wear—all give a fair idea of whether to take an
interest. All these are analyzed and a plusses and minuses drawn up
before making a decision whether to invite this person out.
There then follows an exchange of phone numbers and an invi-
tation to go somewhere. It's important that the boy should be the
one to issue the invitation. He also has to pay when they go out. The
next day, the girl spends all day waiting by the telephone and gen-
erally doesn't leave the house. The boy will generally not call imme-
diately, so as not to appear too keen. When speaking on the phone,