Page 97 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 97
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
due to their pride, urge to show off, insincerity and insecurity.
This is in fact a consequence of the hollow life of this world
being adorned with baubles, which fact is frequently emphasized in
the Qur'an. The main characteristic of satan, who will endeavor until
the Last Day to turn people from the true path, is portraying the
world as so attractive. Satan's promise on this subject goes:
He said, "My Lord, because You misled me, I will make
things on the Earth seem good to them and I will mislead
them all, every one of them." (Surat al-Hijr, 39)
If a person fails to use his reason, he will fall under satan's spell
and be deceived by the false façade of things in this world that are
actually hollow, transitory and troubling.
This also applies to courting, or dating. A young man or
woman enters the emotional atmosphere they have viewed in films
or learned about from those around them. They imagine that by en-
tering a relationship, they will be the happiest people on Earth. But
the fact is, they will soon realize that there is no perfect relationship
such as they had imagined. Yet even that will not inspire them to
think. They will simply believe they got bored with their old flame
and need to start looking for a new one.
Alternatively, they see marriage as a great ambition, imagining
that true happiness will begin once they have achieved it. They thus
enter a vicious circle, which they can never escape until the day they
die, since they fail to use reason. They have now fallen under the
scope of the verse in the Qur'an that reads:
To those who disbelieve, the life of this world is painted in
glowing colors... (Surat al-Baqara, 212)
They have joined the ranks of those described here:
And what of him the evil of whose actions appears fine to
him so that he sees them as good?... (Surah Fatir, 8)