Page 100 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 100


            just where she wants him … The truth is, a giant theatrical play is
            going on in a large part of the world. There are the actors in many
            plays. They perform for one another. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi
            (as), the curtain will come down and people will become real peo-
            ple. They will approach one another with real love, they will reveal
            gunuine wisdom and show their genuine faces. Masks will be re-
            moved. A great majority of people use masks. These masks will be
            removed. People are not happy due to these masks. When I go out, I
            do not see people smiling, I do not see them happy because people
            just see masks. A person likes a genuine human being. A mask is
            hugely disturbing. Likewise, artificial attitudes are very disturbing.
                 In other words, there is a genuine violet and a plastic violet.
            These are also sold, made of plastic. Artificial ones are used in many
            places. That is, they try to imitate real violets. Likewise, a person im-
            itates a lover. Like an actor he acts the role of a lover. But the other
            person immediately catches on; when asked; "Why do you love
            him?", she answers, "For his car, house and good looks." It is evident
            that there is no love there, because when the man's good looks are
            gone, she will hate him and abandon him. In case he loses his car, it
            is again evident that she will leave him. So what is the point in this
            game? But they deceive such poor people, who really believe in

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