Page 95 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 95

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        known to be devout and in awe of Allah. The subject is closed by
        meaningless expressions such as "Everyone has his own beliefs."
             Going out is extremely important in terms of showing off to
        one's friends. The more people a man is seen with, the greater his
        status. In addition, the point of his going out with a pretty girl is to
        provoke his friends' envy and admiration. Girls generally prefer to
        go with a boy who has a flashy car, because their prestige will rise
        enormously when their friends at school see it. It's also important for
        the other party to have a nice home, for their friends to see and ad-
             Their relationship is never based on love and respect. It is based
        on spending empty time together, wandering about, eating, show-
        ing off, mutual whispering, so signs of conflict and boredom even-
        tually begin to appear. Girls generally weep every time there is an
        argument, while boys seek to appear indifferent and unemotional.
        Their seeking to impose their will and place pressure on each other,
        and the climate of insecurity between them, soon develop into major
             There are no such concepts as devotion and loyalty between
        them. Both parties know that when the other finds someone more
        attractive or more handsome, more wealthy or more popular, then
        they will be dropped at the first available opportunity. They live
        constantly under the strain this causes. Indeed, this subject is raised
        whenever possible and used as a threat. Mutual respect soon evapo-
        rates. Since they gradually realize that the one they so admired is ac-
        tually just a helpless human being, even the slightest hint of this
        puts them off, and their love gradually fades away. Seeing the other
        person after they have just gotten up, sweating, with acne, or ill with
        a cold causes the love they feel to diminish rapidly.

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