Page 105 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 105

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                All who make idols are noth ing, and the things they treas ure
                are worth less. Those who would speak up for them are blind;

                they are ig no rant, to their own shame. Who shapes a god and
                casts an idol, which can prof it him noth ing? He and his kind
                will be put to shame; crafts men are noth ing but men. Let them
                all come to geth er and take their stand; they will be brought
                down to ter ror and in fa my. (Isaiah, 44:9-11)

                ... Ignorant are those who car ry about idols of wood... There
                is no God apart from Me, a right eous God and a Savior; there
                is none but Me. "Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the
                earth; for I am God, and there is no oth er." (Isaiah, 45:20-22)

                And you shall know... that I am the Lord your God, and that
                there is no oth er... (Joel, 2:27)

                Fear the Lord your God, serve Him on ly and take your oaths
                in His name. Do not fol low oth er gods, the gods of the peo -
                ples around you. (Deuteronomy, 6:13-14)

                ... Before Me no God was formed, nor will there be one aft er
                Me. I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no sav -
                ior. I have re vealed and saved and pro claimed—I, and not
                some for eign god among you... I am God. Yes, and from an -
                cient days I am He. When I act, who can re verse it? (Isaiah,

                Of what val ue is an idol, since a man has carved it?
                Or an im age that teach es lies? For he who makes it
                trusts in his own Creation; he makes idols that
                can not speak. Woe to him who says to wood,
                "Come to life!" or to life less stone,
                "Wake up!" Can it give gui dance?

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