Page 106 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 106


                     It is cov ered with gold and sil ver; there is no breath in it.
                     (Habakkuk, 2:18-19)

                     See, they are all false! Their deeds amount to noth ing; their
                     im a ges are but wind and con fu sion. (Isaiah, 41:29)

                     Many, O Lord my God, are the wond ers You have done. The
                     things You planned for us no one can re count to You; were I
                     to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to de clare.
                     (Psalms, 40:5)

                     For who in the skies above can com pare with the Lord?... O
                     Lord God Almighty, who is like You?... The heav ens are
                     Yours, and Yours al so the earth; You found ed the world and
                     all that is in it. (Psalms, 89:6, 8, 11)

                     But those who trust in idols, who say to im a ges, "You are our
                     gods," will be turned back in ut ter shame. (Isaiah, 42:17)

                     But if you turn away and for sake the de crees and com mands
                     I have giv en you and go off to serve oth er gods and wor ship
                     them, then I will up root... from My land, which I have giv en
                     them... (2 Chronicles, 7:19-20)

                     Do not bow down be fore their gods or wor ship them or fol low
                     their prac ti ces. You must de mol ish them and break their sa -
                     cred stones to pie ces. Worship the Lord your God... (Exodus,

                     If you vi o late the cov e nant of the Lord your God, which He com -
                     mand ed you, and go and serve oth er gods and bow down to
                     them, the Lord's an ger will burn against you, and you will quick -
                     ly per ish from the good land He has giv en you. (Joshua, 23:16)

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