Page 433 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 433

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            A man who re mains stiff-necked aft er many re bukes will sud den -

            ly be de stroyed—with out rem e dy. When the right eous thrive,
            the peo ple re joice; when the wick ed rule, the peo ple groan... By
            jus tice a king gives a coun try sta bil i ty, but one who is greedy for
            bribes tears it down. Whoever flat ters his neigh bor is spread ing a
            net for his feet. An evil man is snared by his own sin, but a right-
            eous one can sing and be glad. The right eous care about jus tice
            for the poor, but the wick ed have no such con cern. Mockers stir
            up a city, but wise men turn away an ger. If a wise man goes to
            court with a fool, the fool ra ges and scoffs, and there is no peace.

            Bloodthirsty men hate a man of in teg ri ty, but the up right seek his
            soul. A fool gives full vent to his an ger, but a wise man keeps
            him self un der con trol... If a king judg es the poor with fair ness,
            his throne will al ways be se cure... When the wick ed thrive, so
            does sin, but the right eous will see their down fall. Discipline
            your son, and he will give you peace; he will bring de light to
            your soul. Where there is no rev e la tion, the peo ple cast off re-

            straint; but bless ed is he who keeps the law ... An an gry man
            stirs up dis sen sion, and a hot-tem pered one com mits many sins.
            A man's pride brings him low, but a man of low ly spir it gains
            hon or... Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but who ev er trusts
            in the Lord is kept safe. Many seek an au di ence with a rul er, but
            it is from the Lord that man gets jus tice. The right eous dislike
            the dis hon est; the wick ed dislike the up right. (Proverbs, 29:1-27)

            Every word of God is flaw less; He is a shield to those who take
            ref uge in Him... O Lord... Keep false hood and lies far from me...
            (Proverbs, 30:5-8)

            9. Referring to Allah's com mand ments and ad vice.

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