Page 432 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 432


                 whose ways are per verse. He who keeps the law is a dis cern ing
                 son... He who leads the up right along an evil path will fall in to
                 his own trap, but the blame less will re ceive a good in her it ance.
                 A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has
                 dis cern ment sees through him. When the right eous tri umph,
                 there is great ela tion... He who con ceals his sins does not pros per,
                 but  who ev er  con fess es  and  re noun ces  them  finds  mer cy.
                 Blessed is the man who al ways fears the Lord, but he who hard -

                 ens his heart falls in to troub le. Like a roar ing li on or a charg ing
                 bear is a wick ed man rul ing over a help less peo ple. A ty ran ni cal
                 rul er lacks judg ment, but he who hates ill-got ten gain will en joy
                 a long life... He whose walk is blame less is kept safe, but he
                 whose ways are per verse will sud den ly fall. He who works his
                 land will have abun dant food, but the one who chas es fan ta sies
                 will have his fill of pov er ty. A faith ful man will be rich ly bless -

                 ed, but one ea ger to get rich will not go un pun ished... A stingy
                 man is ea ger to get rich and is un a ware that pov er ty awaits him...
                 A greedy man stirs up dis sen sion, but he who trusts in the Lord
                 will pros per. He who trusts in him self is a fool, but he who walks
                 in wis dom is kept safe. He who gives to the poor will lack noth -
                 ing, but he who clos es his eyes to them re ceives many curs es.
                 (Proverbs, 28:1-27)

                 8. Allah's commandments and recommendations are meant.

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