Page 116 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 116

HArun yahya

                             non-func tion ing. For exam ple, if once deprived of cel lu -
                             lose's pro tec tive effects, plant cells will be una ble to with -
                             stand their exter nal envi ron ment and will soon die.
                             Alternatively, if cel lu lose lacked its spe cial, fold ed molec -
                             u lar struc ture, then it would be an ordi nary mol e cule eas -
                             i ly sol u ble in water. These, of course, are only a few pos -
                             si bil i ties, since a sin gle chance event in the for ma tion of a
                             mol e cule will inev i ta bly change that mol e cule's prop er -
                             ties. When coin ci den ces enter the equa tion, it is dif fi cult
                             to speak of the pos si bil i ty of a series of planned and con -
                             scious events tak ing place. In fact, how e ver, atoms do
                             com bine in an exceed ing ly con scious and planned man -
                             ner, accord ing to duties spe cial ly given to them. This sub -
                             lime plan ning and con scious ness could never emerge
                             acci den tal ly, even if all pos si bil i ties were mobi lized. All
                             this is clear proof that Allah has cre at ed life. Refusing to
                             accept this truth is a major loss for no one besides the
                             indi vid u al con cerned. Even if some one denies it, that
                             does not alter the fact that Allah has cre at ed all things. In
                             one verse, He imparts the tid ings that even if peo ple har -
                             bor their doubts, He per vades all things:
                                 What! Are they in doubt about the meet ing with their
                                 Lord? What! Does He not encom pass all things?
                                 (Surah Fussilat: 54)

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