Page 121 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 121


                 The way that recep tors on the tongue pos sess spe cial gaps pre-
             deter mined for them is a great cre a tion. The prop er ty of the mol e cu les
             that make sweets taste sweet, or bit ter things taste bit ter, has been spe -
             cial ly set out, and the tongue's regions have been so cre at ed as to bond
             to these mol e cu les. Planning and intel li gence are nec es sa ry for all these
             things to have taken place.
                 It is sure ly no coin ci dence that a mech a nism in the tongue should
             be able to per ceive the fla vors in foods. It is a great bless ing cre at ed by
             Allah for human beings. The forms of mol e cu les invis i ble to the naked
             eye give rise to dif fer ent sen sa tions and dif fer ent tast es, and the tongue
             has been created in line with them. It is impos si ble for the tongue to
             have devel oped inde pend ent ly of the taste mol e cu les out side in the
             envi ron ment. This linked cre a tion clear ly dem on strates that taste mol e -
             cu les and the tongue are not inde pend ent of each anoth er, and that both
             are the work of the same Creator.

                                     TASTE CELLS

                                                                G-pro tein
                                                                binds with
                                      Sugar or                  recep tor
                                      sweet en er
        Sodium   Ion
                 chan nel                Enzyme
                                                                G-pro tein (GTP)
                                                                com plex
                                      Pre-mark er                 Taste recep tor cells
                                                                  grouped amongst
                                Secondary mes sen ger
                                                                  them selves have dif -
         Sodium                                                   fer ent func tions.
                                      Sodium                      One part of the
        Potassium                      Sodium                     tongue has the task
                                       chan nel                   of per ceiv ing sweet -
                                                                  ness; and other
     Calcium ion                                                  regions per ceive bit -
                                                                  ter, sour or salty
    Calcium ion                                                   tast es. Sweet and
        Signal mes sen gers                                       salty mol e cu les
        in the sac cu les
                                                                  always attach to the
    Signal that is trans mit ted                                  recep tors fit ted to
    to the brain                                                  receive them.
                  Salty stim u lus               Sweet stim u lus
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