Page 119 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 119


             even if sur fa ces fit togeth er per fect ly, it will be impos si ble to secure a
             suf fi cient prox im i ty among their mol e cu les.
                 The secret of glue is that its adhe sive mol e cu les form a bond
             between the mol e cu les on two sur fa ces and thus helps bind them
             togeth er. Particularly in a liq uid state, glue pro vides the nec es sa ry close -
             ness for Van der Waals force to emerge. The force that emer ges when
             this close ness is great by itself and the solid i fied glue pre vents nobody
             the bro ken frag ments from part ing again.

                 How You Taste Molecules

                 The taste you per ceive when you bite an apple is
             famil iar. Even if we don't see the apple, you
             would know that you're eat ing one, because
             there are some 9,000 taste buds on your
             tongue—mutu al ly  com pat i ble  epi the li al
             cells divid ed into groups of 50 or 100,
             which pos sess a small num ber of nerve
             end ings. In that respect the sense of
             taste dif fers from the taste of smell,
             because in the sense of smell, the
             recep tors are at the same time
             nerve end ings. 53  The taste-
             recep tor cells, on the other
             hand, have dif fer ent func -
             tions. One region of the
             tongue is respon si ble for

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