Page 122 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 122
HArun yahya
This rep re sents anoth er major impasse for the the o ry of evo lu tion.
There is no log i cal jus ti fi ca tion for struc tures so mutu al ly com pat i ble, in
such great har mo ny with each other, to come into being by chance.
As you have seen, every thing around us, includ ing every atom in
our own bod ies, shows us the exis tence, infi nite might and omnis cience
of Allah.
Based on this "jig saw puz zle rule," var i ous arti fi cial sweet en ers
have been devel oped that are as com pat i ble as taste mol e cu les to the
gaps in the tongue. The tongue's sweet-per cep tion region is spe cial ly
devel oped in order to bond with com pat i ble mol e cu les, so that a sen sa -
tion of sweet ness forms in the brain. This ena bles sweet en ers to be made
with low-cal o rie con tents and which do not exhib it the prop er ties of
sugar. 55 This empha siz es the fact that what ev er taste we receive is mere -
ly a per cep tion. That the brain per ceives the sub stance as sweet even
though it con tains no sugar is clear evi dence of a sen so ry sys tem inside
the brain, inde pend ent of out side mat ter. There is in fact no sugar in
sweet en ers, but we imag ine that there is. That being so, how can we
ever be sure wheth er sugar actu al ly exists? Since we ever have direct
deal ings with our per cep tions only, we can never be cer tain.
Beyond all these mol e cu les, shapes and chem i cal bonds, what per -
cep tions reach the brain are mere ly elec tri cal sig nals. The brain per -
ceives cer tain sig nals as sweet, but the cri te ria by which it dis tin guish es
this sig nal is unclear. Electrical sig nals from the tongue progress reach
the brain along nerves con sist ing of fat, water and pro tein, as is true of
all our sens es. Therefore, is a banana or a piece of choc o late real ly
sweet? Can you be sure? You can not be cer tain. Everything in the out -
side world reach es our brains in the form of elec tri cal sig nals, so we can
never have direct con tact with the orig i nals exist ing "out" in that world.
Therefore, the candy you eat tast es sweet because your brain per ceives
the elec tri cal sig nals reach ing it as sweet. Yet in fact, you have abso lute -
ly no evi dence wheth er it real ly is.