Page 127 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 127
tant fea ture of these bonds is that the chain's elec trons are loose ly bound
to one anoth er, so that these elec trons can eas i ly move to new regions.
Due to that easy move ment, the mol e cu les can eas i ly absorb ener gy
from any light fall ing on them, and can con serve this ener gy for their
own elec trons to enter a new arrange ment. 58
By way of this prop er ty, a ret i nal mol e cule can per ceive all forms
of light fall ing on it. This sys tem per mits us to see all the details around
us. Allah has made the mirac u lous sys tem in our eyes depend on elec -
trons that are able to eas i ly store ener gy in order to be able to move.
These com plex sys tems came into being mere ly through Allah tell ing
them to "Be!" As He has revealed this in the Qur'an:
It is He Who cre at ed the heav ens and the Earth with Truth. The day
He says "Be!" it is. His speech is Truth. The Kingdom will be His on
the Day the Trumpet is blown, the Knower of the Unseen and the
Visible. He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware. (Surat al-An‘am: 73)