Page 128 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 128
HArun yahya
The Chlorophyll Molecule:
The Most Important Element
of the Chaın of Lıfe
Photosynthesis is a chem i cal proc -
ess car ried out by green plants and cer -
tain sin gle-celled organ isms that use
sun beams as a source of ener gy, com -
bine car bon diox ide and hydro gen,
and thus pro duce food stuffs and as a
byprod uct, free oxy gen. The end result
of pho to syn the sis per formed by these
organ isms is that we can absorb that
stored solar ener gy into our bod ies. In
the absence of a proc ess like pho to syn -
the sis, life would be impos si ble.
The only rea son that cer tain
organ isms can carry out pho to syn the -
sis is that they pos sess a chlo ro phyll
mol e cule. With it, any liv ing thing will
need noth ing more than its own
resour ces to obtain food and sur vive. It
can take ener gy to cre ate food direct ly
from the Sun. However, the exis tence
of that chlo ro phyll mol e cule and the
per form ance of these proc ess es are not
easy. Despite our knowl edge of the
chlo ro phyll mol e cule's struc ture and
our 21st-cen tu ry tech nol o gy, pho to -
syn the sis has still not been rep li cat ed
arti fi cial ly. In order for this mol e cule to