Page 130 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 130

HArun yahya

               be able to oper ate in a plant and ful fill its duty, hun dreds of enzymes
               must come into play.
                    The proc ess es car ried out dur ing pho to syn the sis are exceed ing ly
               com pli cat ed. As chlo ro phyll con verts light from the Sun into chem i cal
               ener gy, a proc ess known as the elec tron trans fer sys tem begins. Water
               mol e cu les are bro ken down, and hydro gen and oxy gen atoms will be
               released. That's how plants estab lish the oxy gen bal ance in the world. If
               this mol e cule and the enzymes that set it in motion did not exist, then
               there would not be a sin gle trace of life on Earth.
                    The struc ture con tain ing chlo ro phyll mol e cu les is the chlo ro plast,
               in which there are small, round struc tures known as grana. Chlorophyll
               mol e cu les are present inside the grana, and some of the sta ges of pho to -
               syn the sis take place in this region. When exposed to sun light, the chlo -
               ro plast becomes active and con stant ly moves through the leaf cell, to be
               able to obtain max i mum pro duc tiv i ty from sun light. The pig ment in the
               chlo ro plast is green, which is why liv ing things capa ble of pho to syn the -
               sis are green. The color green is able to absorb both vio let and red light,
               since the wave lengths that com prise these col ors are the source of ener -
               gy for the pho to syn the sis proc ess.
                    The scope of the proc ess these tiny mol e cu les per form is exceed ing -
               ly large. Plants use an esti mat ed 280 bil lion tons of water and 680 bil lion
               tons of CO2. The amount of oxy gen they release into the
               atmos phere is 500 bil lion tons. 59  These fig ures under -
               score the impor tance of this proc ess car ried out by
               this mirac u lous mol e cule, installed with a flaw less
               arrange ment, in every green plant in the world.
               Hundreds of enzymes have been given duties so
               that these mol e cu les can go into action.
               Photosynthesis is a proof of cre a tion that is suf fi cient
               to sty mie evo lu tion ists, who seek to account for the
               ori gin of liv ing things in terms of chance.

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