Page 135 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 135


             As well as giv ing your skin its color, mel a nin also pro tects you against ultra vi o let rays
             and vis i ble light. If this spe cial pro tec tion that Allah has cre at ed is miss ing, skin can cer
             can soon result.

             the ultra vi o let rays and cause per ma nent dam age. Indeed, cer tain dis -
             eas es result ing from lack of the mel a nin—such as albi nism—cause the
             skin, hair, eye lash es and eye brows to lose their pig men ta tion. The skin
             becomes excep tion al ly sen si tive to ultra vi o let light. Deprived of the spe -
             cial pro tec tive effects of mel a nin, suf fer ers may soon devel op skin can -
                 Melanin's pro tec tion also con tin ues in the eye, one of our most sen -
             si tive and val u a ble organs. Melanin is the source of color in the iris, and
             by means of its light-absorb ent qual i ties, it pro tects the lens against
             ultra vi o let rays and redu ces the risk of cat a racts. Under nor mal con di -
             tions, the eye would be the organ most dam aged by ultra vi o let rays. But
             by means of mel a nin, we are never exposed to such a risk. Melanin pro -

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