Page 140 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 140
HArun yahya
same molec u lar fea tures. All are described by the for mu la H2O. In
water's liq uid form, its mol e cu les slide over one anoth er. In its gas e ous
state, they drift apart, inde pend ent ly from one anoth er, over a wide vol -
ume. But in their solid state, the water mol e cu les arrange them selves
one after the other in a most sym met ri cal and immac u late order and
crys tal lize. This is how ice forms. Any com pound achiev ing a sym met -
ri cal form and geo met ri cal order when it solid i fies under goes crys tal li -
za tion. If a com pound can not achieve this sym met ri cal order when it
cools, then that com pound is not a crys tal line. That is one rea son why
glass is not regard ed as a solid: The mol e cu les that con sti tute it do not
acquire a crys tal line struc ture when cooled, and the arrange ment of its
mol e cu les and atoms remains irreg u lar. A sub stance that can not achieve
such an order can not crys tal lize, for which rea son they can never
achieve a solid state.
The Flawless Creation in Crystal
Atoms com bine in var i ous ways to form a three-dimen sion al mol -
e cule, which form is of great impor tance. As you have already seen, the
func tion al i ty of the salt mol e cule is only pos si ble through the sodi um
and chlo rine atoms bound to one anoth er attain ing this three-dimen -
sion al form. The atoms and mol e cu les that com prise a sub stance attain
their most reg u lar forms in the solid state. The three-dimen sion al forms
they give rise to always have the same spe cif ic angles, which never
change in any of the forms that the mol e cu les form. So per fect is this
order that not a sin gle atom
impairs the sequence and
there is never a devi a tion in
the angles between the
atoms in a mol e cule. Atoms
that com bine at a 60-degree
angle never com bine at 61
degrees. If you heat this
solid, mak ing it liq uid, then