Page 136 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 136

HArun yahya

               vides extra pro tec tion by fil ter ing dif fer ent col ors incom pat i ble with the
               ret i nal recep tors and which might dam age the ret i na. In this way, your
               sight is never affect ed by the light out side, and is never harmed.
               Melanin rais es the qual i ty of your vision by reduc ing the admis sion of
               blue light and daz zling rays. However, since blue light is not elim i nat -
               ed entire ly, the color bal ance is main tained.  62
                    In con clu sion, many fac tors affect ing vision, from the pro tec tion of
               the eye to color qual i ty, depend on the activ i ties of the mel a nin mol e -
               cule. The way that this mol e cule seem ing ly knows just how to pro tect
               the eye and the skin is the work of Allah's immac u late cre a tion. Above
               all else, the mol e cule must first know that the eye is an organ used for
               per ceiv ing  light  and  must  esti mate  the  ret i na's  sen si tiv i ty  to.  Then  it
               must become aware of its own pro tec tive nature and locate itself where
               it may pro tect this sen si tive organ. Of course, this all requires con scious -
               ness. People who under stand the Source of this con scious ness will real -
               ize that noth ing exists of its own accord. Melanin's being present at the
               right loca tion in the eye and at just the prop er quan ti ty def i nite ly shows
               the exis tence of a pur pose ful cre a tion. Everything that has been cre at ed
               is too flaw less to leave room for the slight est doubt. It is easy to see this
               immac u late cre a tion at every point of the uni verse. Yet it takes rea son to
               under stand this and direct thank ful appre ci a tion to the Lord. Believers
               who view the mag nif i cent cre a tion around them and give thanks to
               Allah are described in these terms in the Qur'an:
                    In the cre a tion of the heav ens and the Earth, and the alter na tion of
                    night and day, there are Signs for peo ple with intel li gence: Those
                    who remem ber Allah, stand ing, sit ting and lying on their sides, and
                    reflect on the cre a tion of the heav ens and the Earth: "Our Lord, You
                    have not cre at ed this for noth ing. Glory be to You! So safe guard us
                    from the pun ish ment of the Fire." (Surah Al ‘Imran: 190-191)

                    We have intro duced all these color-gen er at ing mol e cu les and their
               prop er ties to show that the live ly col ors you see around you at every
               moment are noth ing but the move ment of elec trons. Pigments' col ors

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