Page 132 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 132

HArun yahya

                    The Carotene Molecule: Another Source of Energy
                    The color orange is pro vid ed by the car o tene mol e cule. The bonds
               that give rise to car o tene are the same as those that give rise to the ret i -
               nal mol e cule, and because of these bonds, both the car o tene and ret i nal
               mol e cu les are solid and inflex i ble. Secondly, even if these mol e cu les'
               loose ly bound elec trons encoun ter low-ener gy light, they are imme di -
               ate ly ready to go into action and absorb those pho tons into their own
               struc tures.
                    Carotene absorbs indi go light, for which rea son it reflects orange
               light. This is the spe cial mol e cule that gives car rots their color. The light-
               cream color of milk and the yel low of but ter also stem from the pres ence
               of car o tene mol e cu les. Meat fats also take their light-yel low hue from
               the car o tene mol e cu les that ani mals con sume. And because of their
               hydro car bon struc ture, these car o tene mol e cu les can dis solve in fat. In
               pho to syn thet ic  organ isms  like  algae  and  plants,  car o tene  emer ges
               togeth er with chlo ro phyll. The car o tene col lects a cer tain spec trum of
               the solar rays that chlo ro phyll can not absorb. A leaf gen er al ly con tains
               three  chlo ro phyll  mol e cu les  for  every  car o tene  mol e cule.  The  dark er
               green a leaf, the great er its con cen tra tion of car o tene. The yel low ish-
               orange color of car o tene is sup pressed by chlo ro phyll until autumn.
               When autumn comes and the chlo ro phyll mol e cu les are weak en ed, the
               car o tene mol e cu les make their appear ance. 60  That is why leaves turn
               yel low in autumn and there is such an impress ive change in trees' col -
                    No other mol e cule in the world pos sess es the same fea tures as car -
               o tene and chlo ro phyll, which give life to Earth and pro vide such beau -
               ti ful sea son al vari e ty. No sim i lar mol e cu les are avail a ble, not even by
               arti fi cial means. Like every thing else in the uni verse, these are bless ings
               from Allah. Contrary to what evo lu tion ists would have you believe, it is
               impos si ble for ran dom coin ci den ces to give rise to any thing resem bling
               these tiny mol e cu les. Man is abso lute ly depend ent on Allah for all he
               does. To under stand this, all you need is to real ize that the absence of a
               sin gle mol e cule might lead to the end of human life on Earth. Nearly
               every one of the mol e cu les cited in this book is a clear exam ple of this.

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