Page 142 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 142

HArun yahya

               solid pow der, then to a large extent it loses its crys tal line struc ture.
                    The flat sur face of a crys tal is known as its face, and where two
               faces meet is the edge. The place where two edges meet is known as the
               cor ner. The edges sur round ing a face gen er al ly form a sim ple geo met ri -
               cal shape such as a tri an gle or square. When all the sur fa ces that con sti -
               tute the crys tal are brought togeth er, then cubic, rec tan gu lar or hex ag o -
               nal prisms result. These struc tures can some times be very much more
               com plex' and the great er the com plex i ty of the struc ture, the great er the
               per fec tion of the emerg ing sym me try. Faces join to one anoth er at every
               cor ner with per fect angles, which never exhib it an alter a tion or impair -
               ment. Prisms fol low one anoth er, and not even a flaw of 1/1,000 of a
               mil li me ter (that is, 4 x 10 of an inch) between geo met ri cal shapes ever
               aris es.
                    The impair ment of crys tal line struc ture makes the sub stance
               assume an entire ly dif fer ent form, or else fall apart com plete ly. Such an
               event would dam age the entire order in nature, and would mean that a
               great many sub stan ces we are famil iar with would be unre cog niz a ble.
               In short, per fec tion must pre vail with in this order, and both per fec tion

                                                     The crys tal struc ture that gives rise to
                                                     mol e cu les has a per fect geom e try, so
                                                     flaw less that not even the slight est
                                                     error can creep in. Any error that did
                                                     arise would either destroy the sub -
                                                     stance or else turn it into anoth er one
                                                     entire ly.

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