Page 147 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 147
designed on a com put er. Most peo ple never real ize
that just a sin gle snow flake pos sesses excep -
tion al ly beau ti ful and aes thet ic sym met ri cal
shapes, and never come to under stand its
per fect struc ture. Nonetheless, a snow -
flake appears as an immac u late work of
art because it is an exam ple of Allah's
art ist ry.
Another exam ple of the mar vels to
be found in the crys tal realm is a virus,
which can lie dor mant for hun dreds of years
and then mirac u lous ly come to life when it
detects a liv ing cell. The term "come to life" is a par -
tic u lar ly apt, because virus es exhib it no signs of life until they sense the
heat and mois ture of a liv ing cell. They have no organ elles in the same
way that sin gle-celled organ isms do. They only have a cell mem brane
that helps them to pro tect their DNA (and some times, RNA). They must
hijack anoth er liv ing cell in order to rep li cate and make use of the shel -
ter it offers.
Viruses can sur vive any where in the world, in heat or cold, in the
air or under ground, until they find a way of install ing them selves inside
a cell. The only rea son why they don't break down and dis in te grate is
their crys tal struc ture. This endows these tiny specks, invis i ble to the
naked eye, with a flaw less
Before set tling inside a cell, a virus'
only source of pro tec tion is its crys -
tal line struc ture. In addi tion to virus -
es, other organ isms also enter a kind
of hiber na tion and pro tect them -
selves by crys tal liz ing.