Page 152 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 152

HArun yahya

                       every being, from atom to human, appears to have with in it a
                       level of infor ma tion, of con scious wis dom."  70
                            Despite being the most intel li gent enti ties in cre a tion,
                       human beings have dif fi cul ty in unrav el ing the secrets of this
                       abso lute omnis cience. For that rea son, any think ing per son of
                       good con science can see the infi nite suprem a cy of Allah, the
                       Lord of this intel li gence and art ist ry that sur rounds us in every
                       respect. Every new esteemed, award ed, and applaud ed dis cov -
                       ery is the work of this infi nite Intelligence that has exist ed for -
                       ev er and will con tin ue to exist for ev er.
                            Since the first cre a tion of the uni verse, every detail has
                       been brought into being and main tained in a per fect man ner.
                       DNA, dis cov ered only in recent dec ades, has con tained the
                       code of life and car ried out its func tions in all liv ing things for
                       mil lions of years. The human genome, a map of which sci ence
                       has been able to pro duce only in the last few years, has deter -
                       mined the phys i cal fea tures of all human beings, from the first
                       human to those liv ing today. The chlo ro phyll mol e cule, which
                       still can not be rep li cat ed in a lab o ra to ry envi ron ment, has been
                       car ry ing out pho to syn the sis since the first plant appeared.
                       Humans are delight ed that after a peri od of mil lions of years,
                       even a part of this has been dis cov ered. All this reveals human -
                       i ty's help less ness before Allah, and His sub lime intel li gence
                       and knowl edge. Allah reveals this fact in His vers es:
                            O human i ty! You are the poor in need of Allah where as
                            Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy. If He
                            wills He can dis pense with you and bring about a new cre -
                            a tion. That is not dif fi cult for Allah. (Surah Fatir: 15-17)

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