Page 151 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 151
ver the last few hun dred years, thou sands of sci en tists
have researched how the uni verse, the Earth, all liv ing
things and human i ty came into exis tence. With the great -
est care, they have exam ined the struc tures giv ing rise to
liv ing things. Billions of dol lars have been invest ed in recent years, and
man kind as a whole has attached the great est impor tance and pri or i ty
to all this study. Yet all these endeav ors in the field of sci ence clear ly
reveal the art ist ry cre at ed by Allah's sub lime knowl edge. There is a
mag nif i cent com plex i ty, and thus a great intel lect, in every part of the
uni verse, even in a sin gle speck of dust.
Gerald Schroeder, a well-known sci en tif ic writer and sci en tist, has
worked in the fields of phys ics and biol o gy at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), and has made par tic u lar ly impor tant
com ments on this sub ject. Schroeder begins his book Science Reveals the
Ultimate Truth with these words: "A sin gle con scious ness, an all-encom -
pass ing wis dom, per vades the uni verse. The dis cov er ies of sci ence,
those that search the quan tum nature of sub a tom ic mat ter, those that
explore the molec u lar com plex i ty, of biol o gy, and those that probe the
brain/mind inter face, have moved us to the brink of a startling real i -
za tion: ‘all exis tence is the expres sion of this wis dom.' In the
lab o ra to ries we expe ri ence it as infor ma tion
first phys i cal ly artic u lat ed as ener gy
and then con densed into the form
of mat ter. Every par ti cle,