Page 155 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 155
not have any pos i tive effect on ones
that already exist. Even assum ing that a
sin gle coin ci dence could be use ful,
coin ci den ces that fol low will elim i nate
that ben e fit by inflict ing other dam age.
To cite an exam ple from daily life, any
ran dom inter ven tion in a com put er's
cir cuits will dam age the sys tem. The
mech a nism will prob a bly cease to func -
tion. The more com plex a sys tem, the
more harm ful any ran dom events will
be. In such sit u a tions, a sin gle chance
event caus es an error that can not be rec -
ti fied and total ly col laps es the sys tem.
The more progress is made by sci -
ence and tech nol o gy, and the bet ter are
under stood the details that give rise to
life, espe cial ly the cell, the great er the
con cern expe ri enced by Darwinists. In
their view, when life began in the
begin ning, a liv ing cell must have come
into exis tence spon ta ne ous ly and
through ran dom events. In fact, how e -
ver, the cell is so com plex that real iz ing
this fact led evo lu tion ists to engage in
all sorts of new, imag i nary accounts. A
ran dom event that might take place in
just one of the cell's mech a nisms will
cause its death and dis ap pear ance.