Page 159 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 159
What is the ori gin of DNA? What coin ci den ces decid ed
that a cell should be alive, and a stone inan i mate? What coin ci dence
could have built a DNA mol e cule inside a cell and endowed it with
infor ma tion? What coin ci dence decid ed that loose or strong bonds
should be formed where appro pri ate, with out mak ing a sin gle error?
What kind of ran dom event was able to give every one of the mol e cu les
inside the cell a sep a rate and flaw less sequence? How did these coin ci -
den ces become more intel li gent than human beings, sci en tists and pro -
fes sors? How are they able to con sid er details of all kinds, make no mis -
takes and bring togeth er aes thet ics, art ist ry, prac ti cal i ty and mag nif i -
Though every atom's pro tons, neu trons and elec trons are the same,
how did coin ci dence make hydro gen and iron into sep a rate ele ments,
and make car bon the basis of life? What coin ci dence decid ed that one
mol e cule should be toxic, anoth er edi ble and yet anoth er drink a ble? Is
it pos si ble for coin ci den ces to be con scious and intel li gent, to plan
ahead, and make deci sions and del i cate cal cu la tions?
These ques tions, whose gen er al lines we have posed in con sid er ing
the prop er ties of mol e cu les, have always rep re sent ed a major dilem ma
for mate ri al ists and Darwinists. Materialist cir cles and sup port ers of
evo lu tion are per fect ly well aware of the answers to these ques tions, but
can never open ly state them. Indeed, even they some times have to con -
fess to them selves that their claims are ground less. Despite being a
dyed-in-the-wool evo lu tion ist, Hoimar von Ditfurth is one to make such
admis sions:
If doz ens of mutu al rela tion ships . . . of which we have only
become aware as the result of cen tu ries of exper i ments and a great
deal of hard work by sci en tists, are not sour ces of amaze ment and