Page 160 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 160

HArun yahya

                               aston ish ment, gen u ine awe, then what will be? There is
                               an end less list of aston ish ing nat u ral phe nom e na that
                               we have learned only as the result of sci en tif ic research,
                               from the dimen sions of the uni verse and the laws gov -
                               ern ing the rate of expan sion of stars to the rela tion ship
                               between mat ter and ener gy, and from the events tak ing
                               place in the cell nucle us, in which is stored the blue -
                               print for a liv ing organ ism to the dis cov ery of the elec -
                               tri cal cur rents in our brains. . . . Indeed, look ing at the
                               unique prop er ties inher ent in the for ma tion of a sin gle
                               pro tein  per form ing  bio log i cal  func tions,  it  appears
                               impos si ble to account for the atoms need ing to com bine
                               at the right moment, in the cor rect sequence, and with
                               the cor rect elec tri cal and mechan i cal prop er ties, to do
                               so by chance. 72
                               In fact, mate ri al ism is una ble to account for the ori gin
                          of a sin gle one of the mil lions of atoms in the tip of a pen cil
                          in your hand and how it came into equi lib ri um.
                               This should come as no sur prise. Everyone who does
                          not believe in Allah will soon er or later encoun ter defeat.
                          The truth will always emerge and be vic to ri ous: This is the
                          law of Allah. Even if the whole world does all in its power,
                          it can still never change or elim i nate the truth. Materialists
                          and Darwinists una ble to see this are in fact engaged in hol -
                          low endeav ors, whose results will harm only them. Armed
                          with stub born super sti tions, they fight against the truth, but
                          will never be able to achieve their aims at any stage of this
                          strug gle. It is impos si ble for them to bring their endeav ors to
                          a suc cess ful con clu sion. This is revealed in the Qur'an:
                               Say: "Truth has come and false hood has van ished.
                               Falsehood is always bound to van ish." (Surat al-Isra': 81)

                               Rather We hurl The Truth against false hood and it cuts

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