Page 156 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 156
HArun yahya
Increasingly sen si tive mech a nisms are among the main con cerns to
mate ri al ists and Darwinists. Their the o ry can not account for the emer -
gence of a sin gle cell, much less explain away all its sub-com po nents.
Therefore, no mate ri al ist expla na tion can be given for the ori gin of the
tiny build ing blocks of mat ter. For that rea son, such great and incom pa -
ra ble splen dor at the molec u lar level has always seri ous ly wor ried
Basic Principles Cause Darwinism's Collapse
Science still has no answer to the ques tion of what fac tors under lie
these laws that reg u late the entire uni verse; what caus es they are
based on and wheth er they depend on any such caus es; why they
are as they are and not oth er wise; and how it is that a hydro gen
atom, which looks so sim ple, in fact pos sess es the poten tial abil i ty
to give birth to a whole uni verse. In the same way, we have no
answer to the ques tion of what sens es we pos sess before we are
born. 71
These words of the well-known evo lu tion ist author Hoimar von
Ditfurth clear ly reveal that a mate ri al ist and evo lu tion ist can not account
for the laws that reg u late the uni verse.
No mat ter how much mate ri al ists and evo lu tion ists may ascribe
the order in the uni verse and ori gins of life to chance, they can never
explain their claims in terms of sci ence, intel li gence and logic. It is high -
ly illog i cal, for exam ple, to main tain that the mag nif i cent fea tures seen
at the molec u lar level could have aris en by chance. A chance event at the
molec u lar level would elim i nate all mat ter and turn the uni verse into a
cloud of float ing atoms. A chance event at the molec u lar level will either
adhere elec trons to the atom nucle us, or else entire ly detach them,
reduc ing the uni verse to a soup of sub a tom ic par ti cles. Everything in
the world of the atom, the ele ments that com prise this world, the for ces
act ing upon them, the geo met ric shapes they assume—in short, every -
thing—is sen si tive ly based on exceed ing ly minute and fine ly cal cu lat ed
bal an ces. If any one of the four basic for ces were even slight ly dif fer ent,