Page 153 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 153
The Invalidity of Claims of Coincidence
Despite all these facts, some peo ple still seek to ele vate
them selves, rath er than admit ting their own help less ness. Their
sole aim is to deny the exis tence of Allah and to seek dei ties
apart from Him. Some of these peo ple are mate ri al ists and
Darwinists, who believe that chance is the only cre a tive force,
for which rea son they sub scribe to the the o ry of evo lu tion.
Though all their claims in all spheres have been prov en incor -
rect, they con tin ue to sug gest that coin ci den ces worked mir a -
cles. They do so because admit ting their errors would mean
they must also admit the exis tence of Allah. Therefore, they
have no res er va tions about sup port ing the the o ry of evo lu tion
and other the ses of mate ri al ist phi los o phy, despite the fact that
these have been inval i dat ed, sci en tif i cal ly and log i cal ly.
But the law of Allah and His cre a tions are far more mag -
nif i cent than the unbelievers ever expect ed, or wished. The
small er the realm they inves ti gat ed and the deep er they delved
into the micro world, the more they encoun tered a world of a
per fec tion they never imag ined. As you have already seen,
mate ri al ist phi los o phy and the the o ry of evo lu tion—the
applied form of that phi los o phy—have dei fied chance.
According to this phi los o phy, all of life and the bal an ces and
sys tems that affect life—in short, every thing—came into being
by chance. This super sti tious belief states that cells came
togeth er acci den tal ly, giv ing rise to pro teins, cells, com plex
organ isms, com plex organs like the liver, eye, heart, brain and
nerv ous sys tem, and even tu al ly, to man him self. A com bi na -
tion of coin ci den ces led to plants, flow ers with their dif fer ent