Page 148 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 148
HArun yahya
and sym met ri cal struc ture capa ble of pro tect ing them. The dis tinct geo -
met ri cal struc tures of virus es are the most evi dent fea tures of their crys -
tal line sheath. 69
Other micro or gan isms, not just virus es, also crys tal lize—a clear
sign that micro or gan isms know the most far-sight ed meth od of self-pro -
tec tion. When con di tions grow dif fi cult, var i ous micro or gan isms such
as algae and bac te ria crys tal lize and enter into a kind of hiber na tion to
sur vive. They remain in that state until con di tions are bet ter suit ed to
them. As con di tions wors en, each spe cies of bac te ria uses its own par -
tic u lar meth od of crys tal li za tion to rise up in the air. Its crys tal line layer
struc ture pro tects it against the harsh envi ron men tal con di tions it may
encoun ter among the clouds. When they encoun ter con di tions bet ter
suit ed to them selves, these organ isms lose the crys tal struc ture pro tect -
ing them and return to their behav ior, feed ing and mul ti ply ing.
The for ma tion of total ly dif fer ent, daz zling shapes with a flaw less
sym me try and immac u late geom e try as a result of the com bi na tion of
atoms and mol e cu les—and the way that such a struc tures offer pro tec -
tion—are most impor tant signs lead ing to faith. Everything you read
about takes place at the molec u lar level. There is enor mous care and
incom pa ra ble intel lect on Earth. This obvi ous truth pulls the rug out
from under the feet of those who seek to ascribe other pow ers besides
Allah and seek to deny His exis tence. His cre a tiv i ty reveals the hol low
nature of their endeav ors and strength ens the faith of believ ers. That is
why such sub lime art ist ry is dis played even in the tini est details. As
Allah reveals in His vers es:
Praise be to Allah, to Whom every thing in the heav ens and every -
thing in the Earth belongs, and praise be to Him in the Hereafter. He
is the All-Wise, the All-Aware.
He knows what goes into the Earth and what comes out of it, and
what comes down from heav en and what goes up into it. And He is
the Most Merciful, the Ever-Forgiving. (Surah Saba': 1-2)