Page 143 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 143


             and order must be mon i tored at every moment. This, of course, reveals
             that every thing cre at ed is under the pro tec tion of Allah.
                 Even if dif fer ent mol e cu les are present in the same envi ron ment,
             their spe cial crys tal line struc tures pre vent them never become inter min -
             gling with one anoth er and thus los ing their indi vid u al prop er ties. For
             exam ple, the salt and sugar crys tals you throw into hot water soon dis -
             solve into the liq uid. Yet when you evap o rate this solu tion, the salt and
             sugar in the water will crys tal lize sep a rate ly and achieve their former
             struc tures. 65  The atoms in the salt never com bine with one anoth er at
             dif fer ent angles, and the mol e cu les never change their sequence.
             Indeed, any change in the sequence would result in the salt becom ing an
             entire ly dif fer ent mol e cule.
                 How impor tant are all this har mo ny and order? In this micro -
             world—which we can not see and of which most of us are una ware—
             how impor tant is it for mol e cu les to com bine in a per fect geo met ri cal
             arrange ment while pre serv ing their flaw less angu lar val ues? Why is it
             they pos sess their own unique forms, and never lose them? If they did
             not pos sess these fea tures, would the world real ly con sist of ran dom
             atoms and mol e cu les?
                 Of course, if Allah so wished it, no forms or geo met ri cal arrange -
             ments would be nec es sa ry for the vari e ty we observe around us to come
             into being. If He wished, there would be no need of either atoms or mol -
             e cu les to form mat ter. Allah's cre a tion of this micro world in all its flaw -
             less com plex i ty is based on most impor tant wis dom. Even those who
             seek to deny Allah's exis tence can not offer any expla na tion for this per -
             fec tion and often express their aston ish ment at the cre a tion in front of
             them. The pres ence of sub lime art ist ry in even the small est speck of dust
             proves that there can be no power out side that of Allah, Who reveals in
             the fol low ing verse:
                 All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the heav ens and the Lord of
                 the Earth, Lord of all the worlds. All great ness belongs to Him in the
                 heav ens and Earth. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surat al-
                 Jathiyya: 36-37)

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