Page 154 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 154
col ors, giant trees, and fruits of var i ous
kinds. In the view of mate ri al ists and
evo lu tion ists, coin ci den ces are so expert
and intel li gent that they can give rise to
life forms requir ing scru pu lous care,
meas ure ment and del i cate ratios with
no mis takes, with out trial and error, and
flaw less ly, in enor mous com plex i ty. For
many years, evo lu tion ists have no
qualms about put ting for ward this ridic -
u lous logic and impos ing it on oth ers.
The the o ry of evo lu tion, which takes
this claim as its start ing point, has
received wide accept ance every where,
from school books to news pa pers. For
that rea son, many peo ple imag ine it's
based on a log i cal foun da tion. In fact,
how e ver, the foun da tion of the the o ry
con sists sole ly of coin ci den tal resem -
blan ces among spe cies.
Coincidences are ran dom events
that take place in an unplanned, uncon -
trolled man ner. If you install even a sin -
gle screw ran dom ly in a clock, it is
impos si ble to endow that clock with any
pos i tive attrib ute. An uncon trolled
event tak ing place with in an exceed ing -
ly con trolled sys tem can only ruin it.
Therefore, coin ci den ces can never give
rise to more com plex sys tems, and can -